Thank you for sharing your thoughts with LA Dance Chronicle readers.  Send your thoughts in an email to

All submittals will be moderated and we may email you to ask followup questions before publishing your memorial thoughts.

In your email, please include the following:

  1. ) Who you are memorializing.
  2. ) What you are sharing about that person.
  3. ) Your full name
  4. ) What name you would prefer we use for your comments (your options include: your full name; first name & last initial; anonymous)
  5. ) If you would prefer that your email address be published with your submittal.


  • If you do not specify items 3 and 4 mentioned above, we use the following: Your First name and last initial, and we will not publish your email address.
  • Any written content you send must be yours. Any photographs or other media that is not yours needs to be already cleared for publication and properly attributed to the actual source.
  • While your writing remains your property, by sending us your input you are giving LA Dance Chronicle the right to share your content as we see fit regarding the person being memorialized.
  • We reserve the right to reject any submittals if we find them inappropriate and you do not agree to modify them as needed.

Please let us know at the same address ( if you have any questions about this.