On a warm Sunday, June 30, 2024 afternoon, Dance at the Odyssey Summer Edition presented Dear Life. Choreographed and created by Breayre Tender and Anthony Hernandez, this work was a letter through dance to three stages of life: the past, present, and future.

The cast of dancers Breayre Tender, actor Anthony Hernandez, and mother of Tender: Lisa Gwynn-Tender were committed to engaging the audience through direct intention and a clear sense of purpose. The work began in the present day, as a duet maneuvered through the space with movement, spoken word, and a clear portrayal of honest humanity in their acting and disposition. Dear Life was showcased with true commitment from the artists as they journeyed us through space and time.

Dance at the Odyssey - Lisa Gwynn-Tender in "Dear Life" by Breayre Tender and Anthony Hernandez - Photo by Breayre Tender.

Dance at the Odyssey – Lisa Gwynn-Tender in “Dear Life” by Breayre Tender and Anthony Hernandez – Photo by Breayre Tender.

As the piece continued, each moment in time was given something to honor. Whether it be the sacrifice and love of motherhood, the empowerment of the black community and its culture, or the advice from elders to youth as they journey through life. Dancer Breayre Tender performed choreographic sequences that although at times were seemingly simple, she moved with visible strength and intention. Tender was the key component in bringing the aspects of time and memory to the forefront of the work and I greatly appreciated her vulnerability.

Audience engagement was at the forefront of this piece which challenged audience members who were at times somewhat lackadaisical or anxious with their participation. Hernandez and Lisa Gwynn-Tender were the duet who broke the fourth wall in asking spectators to take a piece of paper and pen and answer provoking questions such as, “What is it that you’re thankful for?” “What is a community you appreciate” and “If you had a ‘gem’ to share about life, what would it be?” The execution of these questions were at times confusing, however, the intent of the exercise and participation was meaningful once clarification was provided.

Dance at the Odyssey - "Dear Life" by Breayre Tender and Anthony Hernandez - Photo by Breayre Tender.

Dance at the Odyssey – “Dear Life” by Breayre Tender and Anthony Hernandez – Photo by Breayre Tender.

Later in the performance, another participatory moment arose as the three performers shuffled about onstage in a party-like dance scene. Suddenly, certain members of the audience were being pulled onstage to join the dance although some, including myself, resisted the invitation and felt an uneasiness to participate. Moments like these made the narrative of the piece somewhat unclear, however, it was prominent that the performers were acting in honest and well purposed intentions that meant much more than the initial experience.

Dance at the Odyssey - Breayre Tender in "Dear Life" by Breayre Tender and Anthony Hernandez - Photo by Breayre Tender.

Dance at the Odyssey – Breayre Tender in “Dear Life” by Breayre Tender and Anthony Hernandez – Photo by Breayre Tender.

During a talk back following the performance, Breayre Tender expressed that this piece is a work in progress and that the goal of the work is to collectively create a message to the future we wish to create. It was helpful to hear the passion and message that Tender puts behind her work. I left the Odyssey Theater with an intrigue and interest as to where Tender will take this work next choreographically and I am excited about what the other choreographers who are part of Dance at the Odyssey Summer Edition will have to offer.

Dance at the Odyssey continues through July 14, 2024: Leah Zeiger’s You Live In My Spine (July 11 @ 8pm); Kaia Makihara & hasten dance’s Bounded by Intervals (July 12 @ 8pm); TORRENT, Caitlin Javech & Gianna Burright (July 13 @2pm and 8pm); and G.U.M., Genna Moroni & Helene Bouboulis (July 14 @ 2pm).  Please support live dance performances in Los Angeles! Tickets are on sale now!

For more information, please visit the Odyssey Dance Theatre Ensemble website.

Written by Rebecca Lee for LA Dance Chronicle.

Featured image: Dance at the Odyssey – Dear Life by Breayre Tender and Anthony Hernandez – Photo by Breayre Tender.