Help Us Keep Writing About Dance
Dear dance community and those who love and support dance: For five years LA Dance Chronicle has done just that, chronicled dance from a distinctive SoCal perspective, bringing deserved attention to this often neglected artform with reviews, previews, features, and a weekly round-up of performances. We all have been through a truly trying and tumultuous past two years. Throughout the pandemic, dance artists continued to innovate and create new work. LADC was there through it all, covering the pandemic impacts, online performance, and dance films. We continued to publish reviews and dance related articles until live performance could safely return. Like all of you, LADC reviewers are back in theaters. LADC readership and coverage are expanding stronger than ever. Our staff eagerly await to see and write about the wonderful dance works Los Angeles’ incredibly gifted dance community will create, produce, and present in the coming year. We would welcome your help to do what we do. In just over five years LADC has grown from a staff of two to a dozen current contributors. LA Dance Chronicle staff all are/were dancers and bring a diversity of backgrounds and dance experience to our writing, and we continue to recruit writers to expand our coverage. The love of dance is not the only thing needed to keep an organization like LADC’s door open, operating, and especially to grow. Please consider donating to help us continue to bring a SoCal spotlight to local dance, visiting companies, and beyond. The writers and editors at LA Dance Chronicle thank you and wish you Happy Holidays!
If you’d like to “snail-mail” a donation, our mailing address is:
LA Dance Chronicle
3553 Atlantic Ave. #1184
Long Beach, CA 90807
Note: LA Dance Chronicle is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax deductible in the United States to the fullest extent of the law. Our Federal tax ID number is 85-3308002.